

Received my Fairphone.

Made with materials coming from ethical supply chains, reducing electronic waste and manufactured by workers not suffering the shameful working conditions of mobile industry (behind Apple, Samsung & Co there is pure human exploitation, like in the XIX century ; the only difference is that this dirty side of smartphone production is far away, and that Apple looks cooool).

Fairphone is designed to last, and is modular : you can open it and easily change or upgrade the components.

Fairphone also provide a « Fairphone Open » OS, an open source version of Android, stripped from proprietary stuff like Google Play Store, etc.

Of course I immediately replaced the installed OS by this open source version of Android (as it is provided by Fairphone, guarantee is still valid).

More expensive than equivalent devices from other manufacturers, but more fair. And hackable (in the original sense of the term).

First time I’m really happy with a smartphone.

Thanks to Stéphane Bortzmeyer :

and to Grise Bouille :

13 mai 2017

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